Car accident while at work?

If you sustain an injury caused by a negligent third party, such as a negligent driver, while you are at work then you may have both a workers’ compensation claim and a negligence claim for damages. The workers’ compensation claim will cover 100% of the medical care and treatment due to the accident. You can also receive wage replacement benefits under the workers’ compensation claim. It is best to pursue the workers’ compensation claim immediately so that you can access care and treatment right away. Ultimately, under the workers’ compensation claim you will receive an award or settlement based on the extent of any permanent impairment. You can also receive medical care and treatment for as long as necessary and up to lifetime disability benefits. 

The auto accident claim or civil action will also be a separate and additional means of compensation. In that claim you will be compensated for the value of the medical benefits that you received that are over and above that which was paid in the workers’ compensation claim as well as compensation for pain, suffering, inconvenience and loss of enjoyment of life. (New case law from the Colorado Courts assure you get the most compensation Scholle v. Delta Air Lines, Inc, No. 19SC546 concludes C.R.S. §13-21-111.6 applies to workers’ compensation cases).

If you are injured in an auto accident while on the job it is important to seek competent legal advice. At Anderson & Lopez we have handled thousands of workers’ compensation and auto accident claims.  We know how to handle each claim to get you the best recovery. Don’t go it alone. Get expert help. At Anderson & Lopez, we personally represent each of our clients. Call us today at (719) 471-1818.  Consultations are free and you only pay if we collect for you. You don’t have to pay more for expert advise and personal representation.