When Careless Behavior Changes Your Life
Personal Injury cases occur when somebody is negligent and such negligence causes an injury or damages to another. Negligence is present when someone fails in a duty to others such as fails to drive safely or clear a walkway. Personal Injury cases, also known as negligence cases, most often occur due to someone failing to operate a motor vehicle in a safe manner. This occurs when someone does not observe a traffic signal, drives in excess of a safe speed, runs a stop sign or behaves in some other negligent manner.
Personal Injury cases can also arise out of the way someone maintains their property. This are typically referred to as a premises liability claim. The person or persons in control of the property have a duty to maintain the property free from dangers that might cause injuries to others. This includes not clearing the snow on outside walkways and/or not maintaining the physical condition of the sidewalk. These can also occur inside where something is left on the floor or the floor is in disrepair. Attacks by animals, usually dogs, are yet another type of Personal Injury Claim.
In any event, all Personal Injury Claims have something in common, that being an injury resulting in from a breach of duty of another. There are specific time limits with regard to bringing a claim for damages caused by the negligence of others. If one fails to meet these critical time lines valuable rights could be lost. Don’t lose out call the law firm of Anderson & Lopez, P.C. 719 471 1818 where they are fully aware of all of these time limits.
An injury caused by the negligence of another can be devastating and always takes you by surprise. It can entail doctor’s visits, hospitalizations, countless therapy appointments and diagnostics studies all of which take you away from your family and your normal life. In addition to all the medical appointments you suffer pain and a loss of functionality. Finally, a work injury can result in the loss of your job and the loss of some if not all of your income. Going it alone can be a big mistake. Your life has already been turned upside down by something you never wanted to happen, help get it right by selecting the right attorney.
At Anderson & Lopez, P.C. we have been helping those injured by the negligence of others for almost 30 years. We know just how much your life can be turned upside down due to an injury and we care. If you call us we will listen to you and personally evaluate your claim. We are not like some of those other firms that use non-lawyers or less experienced attorneys to handle you case. At Anderson and Lopez your case will be handled in a professional manner personally by an attorney with almost three decades of litigation experience. Call the firm that the workers of Southern Colorado have trusted for nearly 30 years. Anderson & Lopez, P.C.